Tuesday, June 1


The Recipe for Living the Christian life Cake is as follows:

 4 cups of Love

 1 ¾(250g) cups of a Generous Heart

 1 tablespoon of Poverty

 several dashes of Kindness

 150g Charity

 3 tablespoon of Joy

 1 cup of Generosity

 250g punnet Peaceberrys

 1 cup of Modesty

 2 cups of Patience

 Possessions( adjust to your needs)

Combine Love, Patience, Generosity, and Poverty in a large bowl. Add Modesty. In a separate bowl mix Joy, and Kindness, with 100g Charity, then add to other bowl. Mix until well combine, and then pour into a tin of Generous Heart. Cook until light and fluffy. Whip the rest of Charity, and cut the Peaceberrys in half. When cake is cooled, add the whipped Charity, and the Peaceberrys on top, and dust sparingly with Possessions.

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