Thursday, December 31


Have a happy new year everyone and may it be filled with lots of blessings from Our Lord.

 Yours in Christ,

Ouote of the Day

I have three quotes today and they are-

"Then if our lot be bright or sad,
be full of smiles or tears ,
The thought that God planned it so
should help us bear the years"

"' Oh, Rebecca, don't let's say that!  it makes me feel like a fool.'
' It takes so little to make you feel like a fool' that i sometimes think you must be one.'"

" With a gentlemanly bow, Dad opened the door for her, then stood there bloking it. He froze, hands gripping the doorframe.
'What is it ?'
'Oh, Lord. Phone Luke Ely and have him call out the volunteers. The bunkhouse is on fire and the flames are reaching for the barn'"

"' She said she was going to roast to death any child who talks to much. she said she was going to build up a fire hot and put them in the stove and cook them!'
' Surely you didn't believe her '
 ' yes '
'This is nonsese, i merely said that to keep them quiet in class. Now as soon as that board is removed, we will all return to the classroom.'
'The board will be removed, but no Keith is going to ruturn to this classroom.'"

They are from
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm,

Phantom Stallion - Dark Sunshine
A life of faith - Millie's Unsettled season

Yours in Christ,

Tuesday, December 29


Merry Christmas
 Don't forget the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus.

Jesus means...

Yours in christ,

Friday, December 4


I went on "The cutest little blog on the in the top left corner)"today and i got these 'Blinkies' and i put them on the side bar(>)  and i also put a banner up(^). i hope you like them!

Iam listening to my mum favorite album "Alive @ 5- soul medicine'how can i keep from singing'"

I am thinking of puting a Music thing One on
Yours in christ

Tuesday, December 1

Something i got from a another bloger who got it from a another bloger!!!

Why do we sleep in church, but stay awake during a 2 hour movie?
Why is it so hard to talk about God, but so easy to gossip?
Why is it so easy to ignore a godly facebook or wallpost, yet we repost the rude ones?
Why are churches getting smaller, but bars and clubs growing larger?
Think about it. Are you going to repost this? Are you going to ignore it because you think you'll get laughed at? Would you have read this if it was titled "Read this in God's name"? 80% of you won't repost this.

One day a 6 year old boy was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evoulution to the childeren. The teacher asked the boy:

TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
TEACHER: Do you see the grass outside?
TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TOMMY: Okay. (he returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God?
TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there. He just doesn't exist.

A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions.
The teacher agreed and the little girl asked the boy:

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?
LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssss!
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?
LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?
LITTLE GIRL: It's because she doesn't have one.

Smart girl!!!!
you can put this on your blog if you want.
yours in christ,
 (\__/) (\__/)
(='.'=) (='.'=)
(")_(") (")_(")

A tag i took from RebeccaM

What time is it?4:03

What is your favourite colour? pinkypurple

What is your favourite show? Saturday Disney

What things do you like doing?Playing games that were back in time

What singers do you like? Suzi Quatro, Natalie Gauci, and Spice Girls

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Loving Mother(sigh)

What will you do when you are 20 years old?Own a Real Live horse!!!(sigh(again))

Have you ever been to another country?yes, England and Ireland
Have you ever been to Oregon?No, and where would that be?

What language are you learning? latin

Do you like classical, pop, or rock music? all 3, but i like classical the most

Have you ever been on stage? yes

Can you sing? yes
What are your favourite songs?Devil Gate Drive(by Suzi Quatro),Orange coloured sky"( byNatalie Gauci), and a few others...

Have you ever seen Watoto perform? No
Have you ever even heard of Watoto until now? No

Have you ever heard Waratah Girls choir sing? No
Are you apart of a choir? no

Do you like interviews? Yeah!!!
Do you like having people asking you irritating questions like these ones now? YES!

Are you famous? YES( in my mind)!

Do you like dancing? YES
If you dance, how often do you do it? ten times in every hour!!!!!!
If you sing, how often do you do it?almost as much i  dance.

Do you own a horse? Yes(if you count Schleich horses!!!) 
Have you ever ridden a horse? YES!!!
How often do you ride?every few months?!?!?!

How old are you?11
How old do you want to be? 13 !!

Are you bored at the moment? no
Do you enjoy life? YES!
Do you make the most of hard situations? YES!!! Of coruse i do!!!!!

How do you wear your hair? (I just had to ask that question, I am obsessed with hair styles) OUT!!!

Do you prefer dress’s or pants? dress’s

Have you ever driven a car? Yes i have once i didn't drive it far , but i HAVE!!!!!!!
How many times did you fail your driving test? zero
What sort of car do you want when you grow up? one that works
Do you prefre riding a horse, or riding in a car? horse
Do you prefre riding in a horse and buggy, or a car?horse and buggy
Have you ever been in a horse and buggy?yes

Do you own a dog? no
Do you own a cat?yes(2)
Do you own a snake? no
Do you own a spider? no( enless you count the ones that love living in our house)
Do you own a monkey? no
Do you like gorrilars? yes
Do you like Steve Irwin? yes

Who are you a fan of? GOD

What day is it? thursday

What time is it now? 5:10

yours in christ
(anyone can have this tag !)

Monday, November 30

A Tag I stole from RebeccaM and a tag i stole from t.j.

Tag from RebeccaM:

Who is Your Favourite Artists: Suzi Quatro, Natalie Gauci, and Spice Girls
What is your favourite song: Devil Gate Drive(by Suzi Quatro)and i am stuck on whether to put "how high the moon',or "Orange coloured sky"(both byNatalie Gauci)

Do you like Miley Cyrus: yes
Do you like Pink: No
Do You like Taylor Swift:yes 
Do you like the song Fun House (by Pink): yes
Do you like the song Love Story (by Taylor Swift): yes
Do you like the song Party in the USA (by Miley Cyrus):no I have never heard it
Do you like the song Paparazzi (by Lady Gaga): noI have never heard it
Do you lik the song Papa Don’t Preach (by Maddonna): no I have never heard it

Do you enjoy singing: yes
Are you part of a choir: no

How often do you sing: every day
If you were to become a singer, what sort of music would you use, Pop, Rock orJazz: i think Jazz
Have you ever sung on stage:no ( not counting the times in my dance concerts when i sang along to the music but no one could hear me).

Who will you tag:
My Mum!!!

T.J.s tag:

Two names you go by:
1. BrideeBrid

Two Things you are wearing right now:
1. A blue top that has "live love laugh" all over it
2. black3/4 pants

Three of your favourite things to do:
1. play games piano

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. A new Claddagh ring!!!
2. saturday to so i can start to put the christmas decorations up!!!!!

Two favorite pets you have had:
1. coco(My dog)
2. tara(my cat)

Two people who will hopefully fill this out:
1. My Mum
2. One of the Seven Sisters

Two things you did last night
1  Ate
2. watched the ballet "Swan Lake"

Two things you ate today.
1.  weet-bix
2.  noodles

Two people you’ve talked to today:
1. my sister kristie
2. my parents

Two things you’re doing tomorrow:
1. Read (and hopefully finish) The Lord of the Rings Book 3/part 6(so i can watch the movie!)
2. play with my sister

Two longest car rides you’ve been on:
1. port stephens to canberra
2. newcastle to london (i had to take a plane ride )

Anyone one can have these tags

yours in christ,

The Ballet

I saw the ballet last night!! it was so Good! I saw:
                          Swan Lake

                                                        Presented by

       The Imperial Russian Ballet Company

The Prince was Nariman Bekzhanov
Odett/Odile was Anastasia Homitskaya.
The ballet was in 3 parts and altogether it was 2 hours and 45 minutes ! I mean I was in bed at 11:30!!!
We had the best seats in the Civic Theatre- front row at the top!!!!!!!!
i got to go now 
Yours in christ 

Tuesday, November 24

Quote of the Day

'" I've had a splendid time," she concluded happily,"and i feel that it marks an epoch in my life. But the best of it all was the coming home."'

( I have been reading 'Anne of Green Gables' and this quote is from the chapter 29 'An Epoch in Anne's life'  (the last line) )

Monday, November 2

all souls day

I am reading The lord of the Rings; the Fellowship of the Rings by J R R Tolkien. The book is really wonderful. I know that some of you don't like magic books, but this one is so, so breath-taking!  Also A catholic man wrote this book!!! And he was a friend of the guy who wrote Naria   
I am also reading Anne of Green Gables for school and I wish mum would let me read it myself. I am up to Chapter XIV or 14( i can read roman numerals)where Anne really likes Marilla's Brooch in the last chapter i'd read.
I am learning about Togas and signet rings.i to wrote my grandma and grandad explaining togas and signet  rings. mum ,dad, and myself dressed up in togas, and mum and dad took of their togas after the agreed 10 minutes, but i still have mine on!!!!!
today is all souls day and i will tell you more in my next post .
i am off to guides now so i have to go.
May god bless you ,

Thursday, October 29

Why I needed a new blog?

When Mum and I set up my blog, we put 'au' in my blog email address, and it couldn't be changed , so we set up a new one,
Welcome and enjoy.